Why Read The Sewell Consulting Blog - Audio version
Sewell Consulting is an American digital marketing consultancy. It is partnered with two other companies that give us a truly global reach. Our business partners in Asia are Terrestrial IT and White Hat SEO Team. This blog and the articles on it are for those customers that cannot yet afford the services we offer. Every effort is made to provide as much information, with as much detail as necessary to allow even those of you with little or no technical knowledge or experience to perform the tasks described.
As with most of the articles on the Sewell Consulting blog, this one is written for those of you that
don't really have a choice about whether or not to hire a pro. The great majority of the folks I talk to about the services I offer, simply cannot afford to hire me. It doesn't matter how much I try to convince them they need my services, they haven't the resources to afford the option.
It makes me feel bad because I quickly develop an affinity for most of the business owners I talk to. They are good, hard-working and respectable folks that are taking on tremendous personal and financial risks for themselves and their families. By and large they are just trying to improve their lives and the lives of those they love. But I cannot work for free without jeopardizing the quality of the lives of those that I love.
So I started this blog to create a centralized educational resource for the knowledge and skills I have accumulated throughout the years. It does me no harm to do this for free, because the folks that are inclined to pay for my services understand that they will get the best results for their businesses and their budgets by hiring me. Business owners that do have the resources to hire for services such as mine, also understand that doing so frees them up to do what they do best, such as actually managing the growth of their companies. While those that cannot afford my services are not just being cheap, they are facing real uncertainty in their startups and cannot risk what little money they have on anything but the bare essentials.
Another very important outcome that I am hoping results from this effort is the improved ability of business owners to be able to sniff out con artists that use services such as mine to steal from them. If I can educate enough folks about what is actually involved, and what constitutes realistic expectations, then I can do a great service to the business community at large and to all of the rest of the legitimate professionals out there that cringe whenever they hear a prospective client talk about how they were charged a ridiculous amount of money for zero results.
The articles you will find on this blog will represent the entire width and breadth of my knowledge, my skills, and my experience. I don't feel like I need to mysticize what I do or to keep anything a secret. If my ability to make a living depended on parlor tricks, I wouldn't have much job security anyway. You can find me all over the web. Talking about and writing about a long list of topics and issues. Thank you for visiting the Sewell Consulting Blog today. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what I have written as well as suggestions for future articles.
To contact me directly, you may use the contact form at the bottom of every page, or send email to SewellConsulting@outlook.com or you can call (540) 737-8898 in North America or (+63) 0921-523-7808 in Asia. Please leave a message if there is no answer, as I may be on the opposite side of the planet (or an airplane) when you call.
As with most of the articles on the Sewell Consulting blog, this one is written for those of you that
don't really have a choice about whether or not to hire a pro. The great majority of the folks I talk to about the services I offer, simply cannot afford to hire me. It doesn't matter how much I try to convince them they need my services, they haven't the resources to afford the option.
Jared Matthew Sewell |
So I started this blog to create a centralized educational resource for the knowledge and skills I have accumulated throughout the years. It does me no harm to do this for free, because the folks that are inclined to pay for my services understand that they will get the best results for their businesses and their budgets by hiring me. Business owners that do have the resources to hire for services such as mine, also understand that doing so frees them up to do what they do best, such as actually managing the growth of their companies. While those that cannot afford my services are not just being cheap, they are facing real uncertainty in their startups and cannot risk what little money they have on anything but the bare essentials.
Another very important outcome that I am hoping results from this effort is the improved ability of business owners to be able to sniff out con artists that use services such as mine to steal from them. If I can educate enough folks about what is actually involved, and what constitutes realistic expectations, then I can do a great service to the business community at large and to all of the rest of the legitimate professionals out there that cringe whenever they hear a prospective client talk about how they were charged a ridiculous amount of money for zero results.
The articles you will find on this blog will represent the entire width and breadth of my knowledge, my skills, and my experience. I don't feel like I need to mysticize what I do or to keep anything a secret. If my ability to make a living depended on parlor tricks, I wouldn't have much job security anyway. You can find me all over the web. Talking about and writing about a long list of topics and issues. Thank you for visiting the Sewell Consulting Blog today. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what I have written as well as suggestions for future articles.
To contact me directly, you may use the contact form at the bottom of every page, or send email to SewellConsulting@outlook.com or you can call (540) 737-8898 in North America or (+63) 0921-523-7808 in Asia. Please leave a message if there is no answer, as I may be on the opposite side of the planet (or an airplane) when you call.